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2014 was a big year for PBL, and for BIE’s outreach to more and more educators through our blog posts and Google+ Hangouts. Here is the year’s Top 10 in terms of numbers of readers and viewers -- but there were many others of equally high quality and usefulness to teachers and school leaders, so check them out too if you haven’t already. Thanks to all our contributing writers and guests – and to our new media coordinator Liam Bayer for all the back-end work. We’re looking forward to many more as PBL moves onward and upward in 2015!

Most Popular Blogs

1. 29.5 Tips for Successfully Managing a Project 

Read about the tricky “middle part” of a project, and how to manage the day-to-day work of students and teams.

2. How Can We Teach and Assess Creativity and Innovation in PBL?

Learn how to design projects for creativity and innovation, create the right culture, scaffold and assess this key competency.

3. Gold Standard PBL: What is it and why do we need it? 

BIE’s Executive Director John Mergendoller discusses the importance of the new Gold Standard Project Based Learning.

4. Leading with the 4 C’s to Build the 5th C: Culture 

BIE’s Director of Implementation Jennifer Cruz writes about how leaders can foster critical thinking and effective communication to build a culture to support Project Based Learning.

5. The Power of the 4Cs: The Foundation for Creating a Gold Standard for Project Based Learning (PBL) 

P21 Executive Director Helen Soule writes about reaching Gold Standard PBL with the 4 Cs – Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication, and Creativity.

Most Popular Hangouts

1. Assessment in Project Based Learning 

BIE National Faculty members Ian Stevenson, Erika Jordan, and Janet Bontz discuss effective assessment practices in Project Based Learning.

2. Project Spotlight: Elementary School 

Students from the Katherine Smith School in San Jose, CA, and elementary school teachers Kelly Reseigh and Heidi Hutchinson talk about some of the projects they did this school year, and what they learned.

3. Managing Projects in Middle and High Schools

BIE National Faculty members Tim Kubik, Brian Schoch, Angela Marzilli, Krystal Diaz, and Eric Wycoff discuss how to manage the implementation of projects in secondary classrooms.

4. Creativity & Innovation in Middle and High School Projects

BIE National Faculty member Suzie Boss is joined by high school STEM teacher Regan Drew and middle school Language Arts teacher Chad Sansing to talk about how they are teaching creativity and innovation in their projects.

5. Managing Projects in Elementary Schools

BIE Curriculum Development Manager Gina Olabuenaga is joined by elementary school teachers Kelly Reseigh and Kevin Armstrong to discuss how they manage the implementation of a project in their elementary school classrooms.

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